Looking for a fun and colourful drink to serve your friends? You will love this Pixie Stick Martini
Ingredients & Measurements:
- 1 oz. Gin
- 1 oz. Blue Curacao
- 1/2 oz. Midori
- 2 oz. Pineapple Juice
- 10-12 Pixie Stix
- Shaker
- Ice
- Cut the ends to 10-12 pixie stix and empty them into a plate. The color of the rimmer will depend on how you mix the colors.
- Dip your glass into water to coat just the rim. Shake off excess. Place the glass onto the dumped out pixie stix.
- Fill the shaker with gin, midori, blue curacao, pineapple juice, and ice.
- Shake and pour into glass.